Thursday, March 18, 2010

Important thoughts for life.

Here are some important thoughts to follow in life:

First love yourself to know how to love others.

Never hurt anyone's feelings because in the end it hurts us too.

Have an attitude of love,kind and peace, you will feel an essence of God.

Whenever an opportunity knocks a door go ahead, you never know that opportunity can turn into a miracle.

Success is a path where you will find troubles, obstacles and thornes but once you overcome all these then it can be full of treasuries, happiness and flowers.

Don't hesitate to help someone if you can provide a help inspite of, a seeker is your friend or enemy.

Love animals, Love nature, Love human beings because God is present in all so if you love them then you love God.

Never use "I", or "Me" because we are nothing to do anything for anyone in this world.All the activities are done by him(creator of world) using us as a mere instrument.

Nature is in me and I am by nature but who knows that we are by nature,not nature by us.

A sacred man is away from sinful thoughts but a sinful man do possess some sacred thoughts because a sinful person can once follow a sacred path and once he follows a sacred path he doesn't move towards a path of sin.
A feeling of God is bliss, love, peace, kind, generous, loyal, trust and patience.So, if you feel all these then you can feel God.

Never expect anything in return because whatever we do is our prime duty and we must follow without any expectation of results.                              

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