Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happiness, Sorrows and Nature.

Now after reading the title many of you would be wondering that what I am actually trying to speak out through this post. Basically you know that happiness and sorrows are different from each other.But from my ideology  I would like to explore those differences in both.
Happiness is a feeling of something auspicious and a sign which indicates that everything is going smoothly and with joy.Whereas, sorrow is a feeling of inauspicious thing happening around us and it indicates that nothing is going in our favor or bad fate.So, both are the natural phenomena and are certain to happen in everyone's life.I will say that whatever we face in our life are through these two paths. It's a rule of nature that every human being born on earth has to face both happiness and sorrows.But the fact is that majority of human beings love to face happiness but they hate to face sorrows.But as I said that they both are natural phenomena so you can't escape from sorrow.
So we have to accept both gleefully as it's natural process.If you will accept sorrows as you do for happiness then you will be able to get rid of every obstacles in your life without much pain.Always accept every path of nature and love every process created by nature because you are created by nature and every path is created by nature so as he has created us then why will he destroy us unless we go to wrong path.And if you always choose and follow the right path every hurdles and sorrows in your life will come and pass away without affecting you much.
Love nature and nature will love you.And if you destroy or go against the laws created by him then it will take no time for your own destruction.Hoping so that all of my viewers and friends are reading my posts and understanding some important facts of life which are required to be understood by every single human being on this earth.

I love nature and nature loves me! I hope everyone feels so.

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